
Mays Flower Shop is your online florist in Hong Kong for all of life's occasions! We've created this site map so that you can find exactly what you're looking in fresh flower bouquet, flower basket and gift basket at the click of a button. If you need assistance with online flower order, please call us at 852-2388-0222 or email us at [email protected].

Home - Start here for current flower and gift specials and an introduction to our site. You can always click the logo to go to the home page.

Shop by Occasion - Flower Basket and Bouquet - Specialty flower basket and bouquet categorized by occassion including granding opening, birthday, annivrsary and funeral. Shop by Flower Bouquet Type and Occasion - Browse flower types like roses, tulips, lilies, gerbera and different purposes to meet your budget. Shop by Flower Arrangement and Floral Design - Flower arrangement by our florist and lots of other choices. Shop by Seasonal Floral Gift - Seasonal available, Valentine's Day and Mother's Day period are restrict to order the corresponding cateogry. Shop by Additional Gifts items - Shop by additional gift items which need to be purchased together with flower basket or gift basket. About Mays Flower Shop - Information about Mays Flower Shop as well as company and customer service contact information for assistance with online flower ordering.

Flower order Procedures - Flower Ordering Methods available for Mays Flower Shop.

Payment Method - Flower Order Payment Methods available for Mays Flower Shop.

Flower Delivery - Terms and Details for Flower Delivery in Hong Kong - Mays Flower Shop.

Testimonial - Know about our customer comments for Mays Flower Shop products and services.